Black Hawk County Weapon Permits
Effective July 1, 2021, Weapons Permit Laws in Iowa have changed. Please visit the Iowa Department of Public Safety website for details, frequently asked questions, and updated Iowa Laws.
Helpful Links
- Iowa DPS Weapon Permit Info Brochure
- HF756 - Iowa's New Weapon Permit Law
- Iowa Department of Public Safety Weapon Permit Information
If applying for a weapons permit through Black Hawk County, we are unable to accept the downloadable forms from the DPS website above. Weapon permit applications must be submitted HERE.
The Black Hawk County Sheriff's Office does not accept paper applications at the front counter or through the mail. You must apply using the online application. To do so, click the button below.
Obtaining Weapon Permits
The sheriff of your county of residence is the only person who is authorized to issue permits unless you are a non-resident of Iowa or require a permit as a result of your employment by the State of Iowa, in which case the Commissioner of the Iowa Department of Public Safety can issue permits to carry.
The process for Permits to Carry begins by attending training. Training can be received from any number of sources including NRA-certified instructors, Iowa Law Enforcement Academy-certified instructors, or numerous other authorized trainers. The Black Hawk County Sheriff's Office does not endorse any specific trainer and the obligation to locate a reputable trainer falls solely on the applicant.
Adequate training for a new permit is only good for 24 months from the date on the certificate of training.
Regardless of the permit requested, the sheriff's office staff is required to submit a NICS (National Instant Criminal Background Check System) on the applicant. The sheriff's office will also submit a request for any mental health adjudications and juvenile felony arrests from the Clerk of District Court to verify if the applicant was found guilty of the felony.
For Professional and Non-Professional Permits to Carry Weapons, you are encouraged to attend a Handgun Safety Training Course from a reputable trainer. This class should provide further details on Iowa law, related restrictions, and applicable federal weapons laws as well as safe weapons handling procedures.
Weapons permits cannot be picked up at the sheriff's office and will be mailed to the person from the Iowa Department of Public Safety.
Weapons Permit Business Hours
Lobby Kiosk: Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (excludes holidays).
Weapon Permit Application Fees | |
Permit to Acquire - 5 year | $25.00 |
Permit to Carry Professional - New Permit | $50.00 |
Permit to Carry Professional - Renewal | $25.00 |
Permit to Carry Non-Professional - New Permit | $50.00 |
Permit to Carry Non-Professional - Renewal | $25.00 |
Types of Permits Available
Permit to Acquire Pistols or Revolvers -
A permit to acquire authorizes the holder to acquire pistols or revolvers; however, this does not authorize the holder to carry a weapon. An Iowa permit to acquire pistols or revolvers is valid for five years. It is valid throughout the state.
Non-Professional Permit to Carry Weapons -
A non-professional permit to carry authorizes the permit holder to carry weapons for a period of five years and also authorizes the Iowa resident to acquire firearms in the same manner as a permit to acquire and is valid for five years.
A new applicant is required to demonstrate that they have completed any NRA safety training course or course offered by other recognized firearms trainers including the U.S. military (as evidenced by form DD-214 or honorable discharge).
For a renewal applicant, Iowa law no longer requires training to occur within the previous 12 months prior to expiration. Renewal applications must be submitted no more than 30 days prior to the expiration date, but no longer than 30 days after the expiration date. A valid non-professional permit to carry expires five years after the date of issue.
Professional Permit to Carry Weapons -
A professional permit to carry authorizes the permit holder to carry weapons in connection with their employment. A professional permit is only valid while going to and from work and while actually engaged in the employment for which it was issued.
A valid professional permit to carry weapons authorizes an Iowa resident to acquire firearms in the same manner as a permit to acquire and expires a year from the issue or at the termination of employment (whichever comes first).
More Information
For more information, contact the Black Hawk County Sheriff's Office at 319-291-2587 or the Iowa Department of Public Safety by e-mail at or by telephone at 515-725-6230.